Gehirnstürme / Brain storms
Photography in its original sense is writing, painting or drawing with light. But a photo is also an information carrier. An image triggers emotions in our brain, can cause brain storms.
There are photos that are immediately apparent to us. Photography that speaks a language that we understand. And then there are images that irritate and ask questions. Photos with hidden meta levels and multiple possibilities for interpretation.
We ask ourselves again and again, what photography is actually. It is not just technology, image composition or image content, not merely analog or digital, art or not art. It is communication. Ideally, it remains as an universal language in our personal or collective memory. As an image, reflection or parable of the society in which we live.

Baldauf_lighboxx07.jpg Richert Beil, Keep the Knife #1, David White and Nala Diagouraga, Berlin 2015

Baldauf_Lightboxx03a.jpg Richert Beil, Royal Family #1, Erdal Yildiz and Sofia Razuvaeva, Berlin 2017

Baldauf_Lightboxx05.jpg Breathe #3 / Forever Old, Forever Bold, Forever Versatile, Ursula Zillig, Bremen 2018

Baldauf_Lightboxx04.jpg Breathe #3 / Forever Old, Forever Bold, Forever Versatile, Madita Marie Becker, Bremen 2018